Message from the Mayor and the CEO

Mayor Peter Hunter

Message from the Mayor

Council Elections were held throughout October & then early November of 2022, with our first meeting of the new council being held on the 22nd November, 2022.

Since that point we have been working with staff to ensure that the Ratepayers of Renmark – Paringa – Lyrup have the greatest protection possible from the 2022 Flood Event. This has been of the highest priority and we have been strongly supported by staff, contractors, local businesses and community groups to make sure that our levee banks have been well above predictions, solidly constructed (with engineer advice at all stages), that our stormwater pipes are able to pump out any rainwater or minor seepage - while providing information to the community at every stage.

Our interactive maps, showing various inundation levels and the levee protection, along with any road closures, ramps being unavailable and links to all other government agencies who have pitched in to support the protection of our town.

The State Government has been a solid supporter, providing moral support though visits, matched with commitments of significant funding ($51.6m across the river towns) along with the strong liaison with other important agencies.

It is this theme of working together by all levels of Government, along with all levels of community, which will give us the best chances to be ahead of the damage from the flood event and enable us to work through the recovery phase through out 2023 & beyond.

This same theme is vitally important as we work across the issue which confront every council & every community across the national. Let us all be open & willing to listen, committing to plans & actions that will help to improve our region – not just for the current generation but for the future generations to follow.

Chief Executive Officer - Tony Siviour

Message from the CEO

Renmark Paringa Council is committed to a sustainable future which will be achieved through innovation, engagement and sustainably growing the community and business.
Renmark Paringa Council will realise this vision by:
  • Planning the future growth of business and ongoing sustainability and vibrancy of the community
  • Building the capacity and capability of the community and key stakeholders to address personal and public community issues
  • Providing positive leadership and governance
  • Providing the community with a voice to achieve desired outcomes
  • Maintaining community infrastructure and assets for the benefit of the broader community
  • Keeping the community informed and openly and proactively engaging with the community in order to formulate future directions or improve services
  • Working in partnership with others to achieve common goals, deliver projects or provide community services
  • Exercising its power in response to legislation
  • Funding or supporting services, projects or initiatives on behalf of the community and
  • Fostering community connections and encouraging active participation in community life.

I am proud to lead Renmark Paringa Council staff in support of our Elected Members who aim to ensure that we continue to grow as a vibrant, diverse and efficient region.