Stormwater Information

Published 14th November 2022

As part of Renmark Paringa Council’s Flood Strategy, Council’s stormwater system was carefully considered. Council closed off all 32 stormwater outlets during the flood event and installed industrial sized pumps in their place around the towns. This action was necessary to prevent flooding from backflow up through the stormwater network as the outlets to the River Murray became inundated by higher flows.
The theory of shutting these outlets was much simpler than application due to the sheer pressure which was being placed on the stormwater system. In some cases Black Water Diving services were engaged to ensure the closure of the outlets. When these methods did not mitigate the situation, the industrial sized pumps were activated on a continual basis rather than during rain events only.
Whilst the sight of these pumps around the townships did not look ascetically pleasing, they were successful in ensuring that the town remained dry and no inundation from the outlets occurred.

Below is a diagram as to how stormwater is managed within a levee network.

How Stormwater drainage is managed within the levee bank network